Event Date: 28 May 2019
There has been an explosion in the use of plastic packaging over the last 60 years. Adequate systems to properly manage plastic packaging have not kept pace. This has led to a global waste and pollution crisis.
Join Sustainable Business Network’s James Griffin for a debrief of the key findings from the SBN report, “New Zealand’s Plastic Packaging System – An Initial Circular Economy Diagnosis”. Hear how the SBN can help you address plastic packaging in your business:
- What are the issues with the current NZ plastic packaging system?
- What needs to happen to address them in NZ?
- What is the role for your business?
- Hear how the SBN can help you address plastic packaging in your business.
Date: Tuesday 28th May
Time: 10am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm
Venue: The FoodBowl, 28 Verissimo Drive, Auckland Airport
Tickets: Free
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