28 Verissimo Drive, Mangere, Auckland 2022 (PO BOX 107039 Auckland Airport 2150)
P: +64 09 254 4730
E: reception@foodinnovationnetwork.co.nz
Riddet Road, Massey University, Palmerston North
E: foodpilot@massey.ac.nz
Gate 3, South Drive, Lincoln University, Christchurch 7674
P: +64 21 245 0808
E: tracey.sheehy@foodinnovationnetwork.co.nz
90 Union Place, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016
P: +64 20 4125 8678
E: foodsouth.otago@foodinnovationnetwork.co.nz
36 Bridge Street, Ahuriri, Napier 4110
E: nicky.solomon@foodinnovationnetwork.co.nz
*Indicates required field
What region are you based in?* —Please choose an option—AucklandHamiltonHawkes BayPalmerston NorthCanterburyOtago
Do you identify as a Māori business?* YesNo
How long has your business been operating?* —Please choose an option—<1 year1 - 2 years3 - 5 years5+ years
Are you currently manufacturing? YesNo
What would you like to talk to us about? (select as many as applicable) I have a great idea I want to turn into a businessI need help with my research and developmentI want to commercialise a product/process I’ve developedI’m looking to scale up my existing businessI need some advice or connectionsOther (please specify)
If you are already working on a product or process, can you tell us about it?